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Homeowner Assistance Program Overview

Program Overview

The Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program provides grant funding to homeowners affected by 2020-21 Storms for home repairs, reconstruction and/or reimbursement for repairs already completed.

Please note: The application deadline for the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program was October 31, 2023. The program is no longer accepting new applications.

The program is administered by the Louisiana Office of Community Development and is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through federal appropriations of Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds.

Homeowner Program Steps

  1. Complete the Program Survey

    Completing the program survey is the first step in receiving assistance. The Restore Louisiana program survey deadline was August 1, 2023. Homeowners who did not submit a survey by the deadline may not be considered for program assistance.

  2. Environmental Review

    The federally required environmental review is the process of reviewing a project and its potential environmental impact to determine whether it meets federal, state and local environmental standards. The environmental review is conducted without an appointment and from the road or right-of-way.

  3. Complete the Program Application

    Qualified homeowners who submitted a program survey and have had an environmental review of their property performed by the program were invited to complete the program application according to their phase. The deadline to complete the Restore Louisiana program application was October 31, 2023. The program is no longer accepting new applications.

  4. Eligibility Review

    The program will review the application and information from third-party sources to determine whether the homeowner meets eligibility requirements for the program. If the program is unable to verify information from third party sources, applicants may be required to submit supporting documentation for program review.

  5. Damage & Lead Assessment

    During a scheduled damage assessment appointment with the applicant, inspectors will use industry standard software to inspect work already completed and to determine a scope of work for prospective repairs needed to complete the home. The program will also send inspectors to test for lead-based paint in homes constructed prior to 1978.

  6. Award Determination

    After steps 1-5 are completed, the homeowner will receive their calculated grant award which accounts for any duplication of benefits. The homeowner will have 60 days to either accept or appeal their award. Homeowners may also consult with their case manager during this period.

  7. Contractor Selection

    If a homeowner has remaining repairs or will require reconstruction, during the application the homeowner will choose between SOLUTION 1: Program Managed Construction or SOLUTION 2: Homeowner Managed Construction prior to closing on their grant award. Based on individual conditions at the time of application, applicants can choose the program solution which best fits their own need and capacity to complete their home repair or reconstruction project within the program allotted timeframe.

    Prior to closing on their grant awards, applicants will be asked to select their contractor based on their previously chosen solution. Applicant will be able to work with their case manager throughout the contractor selection process.

    Please visit the program Resources page for more information on contractor selection:

    • Solution 1 Reconstruction

    • Solution 2 Reconstruction

    • Solution 2 10 Tips for Hiring a Contractor

    • Solution 2 Mobile Home Unit Repair Options

    • Fortified Construction Checklist

    • Fortified Roof Checklist

    Contractor Selection is the last status where the solution chosen on the application may be changed prior to closing on the grant award.

  8. Grant Agreement & Execution

    After accepting their award, the homeowner will meet with the closing team to sign their grant agreement.

  9. Reimbursement, Repair, Reconstruction

    Once the grant agreement is executed and depending on the homeowner’s selected solution, the homeowner will be issued a reimbursement check and/or will be provided a grant award to repair or reconstruct their home. The allotted time for project repairs/reconstruction starts on the date the grant agreement is executed.

The program offers a comprehensive resource library to assist homeowners through each step of the application process.

View Program Resources

To be eligible for program assistance, homeowners must meet the following requirements:

  • Owned and occupied home at time of disaster event and still maintain ownership through program final project inspection
  • Damaged address was the applicant’s primary residence at the time of disaster event
  • Received a FEMA IA determination for repairs greater than $3,000
  • Home must be an eligible structure type as described in the program guidelines, including single family homes, owner-occupied duplexes, mobile homes and condominiums
  • Located in one of 47 disaster declared parishes

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities under the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program include:

  • Home Repairs

  • Home Reconstruction

  • MHU Replacement

  • MHU Repairs

  • Reimbursement for Repairs Completed

Need assistance?

If you need additional help with your application, please call the program call center at 866.735.2001 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.